Firearm Retailers & Instructors
Firearms Safety, Suicide Awareness & You
This one-hour training offers basic knowledge about suicide, potential signs of suicide risk, universal rules for safe firearms storage, and strategies to help keep someone safe if they are considering suicide.
Print and downloadable materials are free for in-state trainees.
This video, which is included in the training, demonstrates a suicide prevention role-play between a firearms retailer and a customer.
This 60 minute online training will enable participants to:
Recognize suicide’s impact on Washington communities and families
Know how locked storage, limited access and temporarily limiting availability of firearms can reduce suicide risk.
Recognize potential warning signs of suicide
Understand and be able to use LEARN® steps to support an individual at risk of suicide.
Firearms safety is a proud tradition in Washington. Unintentional firearms deaths are exceedingly low in our state. The most frequent cause of a firearm-related death is suicide.