Safer Homes at Republic Gun Show

May 24, 25, 26th 

Representatives from “Safer Homes, Suicide Aware” will be at the Falcon Gun Show in Republic WA informing guests how to make their home safer and prevent a suicide long before a crisis occurs.
Fri. 9am – 5pm,  Ferry County Fair Grounds, 14 Lawson Way, Republic, WA 99166

Sat. 9am – 5pm, Ferry County Fair Grounds, 14 Lawson Way, Republic, WA 99166

Sun. 9am – 4pm, Ferry County Fair Grounds, 14 Lawson Way, Republic, WA 99166


  • General: $10.00
  • Children under 12: Free
  • 3-Day Pass: $25.00

Medication locking devices as well as firearm locking devices will be distributed for free.

“Safer Homes” signifies a home in which lethal means are unavailable to a suicidal individual. “Suicide Aware” signifies the universal need to educate people about suicide prevention and action steps everyone can take today.

Putting a practical barrier between a suicidal person and the means they plan to use to end their life can interrupt their path to suicide.